Website migrated from VuePress to Gridsome posting from Forestry
This is the first blog post I am creating from my Forestry dashboard. If you see this on my website, then it has been a success.

(Originally posted on
Yesterday, I published my new website which has been created with Gridsome. I had to reformat my blog posts and add tags to each of them. I have 156 posts, so this was not an easy task, to say the least.
Now I'm writing my first blog post using Forestry, and with any luck, it will post to my repository and deploy to my site with no issues. That's if I've set up the formatting correctly and everything else that comes with it.
I now have a newsletter which you can subscribe to using the form at the bottom of this post. Signing up is easy and it will make sure you never miss an update. However, if you're more of an RSS person, then I have that too.
There are a few more things I would like to add to my website such as comments that aren't by Disqus, social card metadata and an auto-generated sitemap. I should probably create a roadmap on my GH repository for you to keep an eye on.
That's pretty much it for this one, and if you like the new update please let me know on here or my Twitter page.